All community groups MUST discuss their ideas and options with the Community Capacity Building Officer, especially those seeking funds for the first time, on 9290 6678. The grant may not proceed if these discussion have not been held prior to the application being made.
Grants are awarded up to a maximum of $2000. Groups must be able to match Shire funding dollar for dollar, for grants over $1000. For grants under $1000 in-kind support can be used for matching purposes.
Partnerships where two or more community groups will benefit directly from the grant activity are encouraged.
Matching Grants Eligibility Criteria:
- Incorporated not-for-profit organisation based in the Shire of Mundaring;
- Parents and Citizen's Association based in the Shire of Mundaring;
- Un-incorporated community group under the auspices of an Incorporated organisation.
- Previous Matching grants must be acquitted before a new application can be made.
- Retrospective requests will not be funded.
Value of Grant: $2000 maximum
What is Funded: Projects
- Equipment;
- Minor capital upgrades;
- Promotional material;
- Training.
Please note funding from this grant cannot be used for community events. The Shire's Community Event grant is available to support community events.